Development of business plans

Development of business plans

their competent compilation and justification is one of the services of the Armenian Marketing Association, implemented jointly with MPG. The Association is engaged in business planning of investment projects, new divisions, product lines of many successful Armenian enterprises and firms. This service is important and necessary, since today business planning is of great importance for effective business conduct. Any enterprise or company will ensure greater success for itself in the future if it knows exactly the plan of its actions, possible profits, losses and risks.

Armenian Marketing Association

develops business plans for various enterprises, firms, and projects, taking into account the following:

  • A business plan is a visiting card of an investment project; it is compiled for effective management and business planning, is one of the main enterprise management tools that determine the effectiveness of its activities.
  • In a market competition, an enterprise must be able to quickly and adequately respond to changes in the external environment and within the enterprise itself.
  • A business plan is a document describing aspects of a future commercial enterprise, analyzing possible problems, and establishing ways to solve them.
For Armenian producers

business plans are a new type of intercompany planning. The goals of business plans, in addition to opening a new business, can be growth of profits, increase in market share, satisfaction of customer requirements, acceleration of product turnover, creation of new jobs, etc.

The creation of new projects involves a preliminary economic justification of their feasibility, the subsequent planning of the necessary costs for their implementation. Therefore, the Association’s specialists develop business plans that allow managers-economists not only to justify the need to develop an innovative project, but also to implement it in the current market conditions.

Thus, having drawn up a business plan, you will make the enterprise more efficient and manageable, you will be able to predict the situation with higher accuracy. The Armenian Marketing Association will be able to help you with this through its experienced specialists.

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